Thursday, January 7, 2010


I was looking at a picture I took of my brother Caleb and I, and Eli came up to me going, "Cheese, Hannah! Cheese! Piccer me, piccer me! Cheese!" So I had to take one. :)

My brother, Brennan, playing Gobblet with my mom. 


  1. AW! I LOVE the one of Eli. He is SO cute. :)
    Oh man, I can't get over it! :)

    Brennan's really cute too. I would say "handsome", but he's like--what--six?--so the word doesn't really fit. Wait until he's thirteen, though, he will BECOME the word. *laughs* (true with all your siblings, though ^^)

    Love you,

  2. Woah, it looked like Eli had a beard for a sec.


  3. So...CUTE! I love it that your little brother's face isn't washed...tee hee!

  4. Hey - how did you filter those pitures of Brennan? I really like that lighting effect. Is it a setting on your camera, or did you apply some treatment using gimp?


thank you for taking the time to comment! your words make me smile. please know that I appreciate you. :)